It was pretty much a no brainer to hop on board The RAW Project to help better learning environments for schools and kids that are in need. RAW (Re-imagining the Arts Worldwide) began in 2014 in the heart of Wynwood, Miami, at Jose de Diego Middle School — a school without an arts class, after school arts programs, low attendance rates and enough violence to keep police officers patrolling campus.
Since then over 80 world-renown artists came to paint its white walls, and the results have led to higher class and school attendance, better test scores, funding for arts programs and a boost in school spirit that’s off the charts. The school graduated from an “F” to a “C’ school. How do we know? The principal says so:
“Jose de Diego MS credits a great percentage of change in their school culture, increase in students attending the school oppose to charter schools and students overall academic performance to the RAW project.” — Principal Dr. Williams.
This December Stick Together invited Shepard Fairey (US), CASE MaClaim (DE), ZED1 (IT), Pipsqueak Was Here! (NL), Inkie (UK) and INO (GR) to join RAW painting Eneida M Hartner Elementary School in Wynwood, Miami.
Here’s what NPR had to say:
“Art That Transformed A Miami Neighborhood Now Making Its Schools Cool”